Sunday, March 14, 2021

Watch for seniors


Seniors tend to be invisible, so John and I were amused at the attention paid them (us) when we walked North Vancouver's 7.5-km Green Necklace trail on Sunday. We have no idea what this sign was about, but presumably there are residences for seniors in the area, and this is a warning not to run them down. Photo by John Denniston.

Whimsical cartoon-like figures do all sorts of things on the pavement beneath your feet when you walk the trail. This one isn't specifically related to old people, but a figure pushing a large ball up a hill is a scenario many of us can identify with. Photo by John Denniston. 

Now this is definitely about seniors. See the hunched old man with a cane approaching the athletic young skateboarder? Walk a few feet farther, and see what happens next. Photo by John Denniston.

The old man keeps coming, and what's this? Is the skateboarder fleeing? Photo by John Denniston.

Age outstrips youth: In the next scene, the old man has commandeered the skateboard, with its owner chasing behind. I'm not sure what the message is, but on this trail at least, seniors are part of the action! Photo by John Denniston. 

1 comment:

  1. I had never seen the end of the series! The boulder, I remember. I guess I’m too out of breath when I reach the too of that hill to notice them anymore. You guys are in much better shape than me.
