Sunday, February 7, 2021



Between Covid, aging and winter weather, who has time for glamour? Here's me with two hats (one to cover my ears, one to keep the sun out of my eyes), sunglasses, an anti-virus mask and a very warm but very old wool sweater. Photo by John Denniston, who graciously agrees to still be seen with me.

Once upon a time, women “dressed” to go downtown. In my mother’s era, a hat, a dress and good shoes would have been de rigueur. In my younger days, a reasonable pair of pants and walking shoes would have done. Later, with aging, my friend Linda and I agreed on a new, lower standard -- our goal in future would be just not to scare people.  Passing a store window on South Granville during a walk with John yesterday, I did a double take. Between hats, a mask, sunglasses, and Covid-era casual clothes, I appear to have sunk lower than even the lowest bar.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing, isn't it, Carol, how clothes have become pretty much irrelevant.I now seriously wonder what to do with my closet-full of 'thirties and 'forties elegant vintage clothes, and whether I'll ever wear them again.I don't think I've worn anything non-elastic in a year now and shoes with even a little bit of a heal are dusty. It's quite liberating, actually! Who cares what you look like, it's the person that counts - used to be the old feminist trope and it's back!
