Friday, December 20, 2019

Signs of the season

Christmas time is cookie time. To the left, the bag of  very decorated cookies and  greeting card delivered by our neighbour's small children. To the right, a tin of  cookies from my friend Georgeann. They were baked by her daughter and her daughter's friends in what has become a traditional cookie-baking event. And they were delicious!

Every year about this time, there is the “thump, thump, thump” of little feet on our front steps, and when we open the door, two small shining faces appear. “Merry Christmas!” they call out, and thrust a little package at us. They’re the kids next door, usually quite shy, but at this time of year they summon up the courage to distribute home-baked cookies to their neighbours. The first year it happened, their mom explained she was trying to teach them that Christmas isn’t just about getting gifts, but about giving as well. It’s a small thing, but it’s one of many that make this time of year different from all the rest. Here are some photos, all taken by John, of the signs of the season:
Aunt Leah's Place is an organization that helps kids in foster care and young mothers by providing guidance, housing, job training and life-skills coaching. It also has a  great big sign saying that even this close to Christmas, laggards like us can still get their festive greenery at its Granville Street lot.  

We don't always get a tree, but if we can find the right size (small and bushy), it's a possibility. 

Maybe this one? Maybe that one? John thought both might look a little skimpy once they warmed up.

In the end, we decided a bunch of greens over the fireplace would be best. Here is my armful.

Heading back to the car with this year's greenery. We might even get it into place a day or two before Christmas.

An interesting sign. Here at Aunt Leah's Granville Street tree lot are some pretty wreaths from Saltspring Island. 

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